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CDF-NY’S MEDICAID REDESIGN TEAM II (MRT II) PROPOSAL: Replace New York’s Medicaid Global Cap with a Transparent Global Budgeting Process2020-02-28T14:18:18-05:00

  CDF-NY’S MEDICAID REDESIGN TEAM II (MRT II) PROPOSAL: Replace New York’s Medicaid Global Cap with a Transparent Global Budgeting Process

The Medicaid global cap should be eliminated and replaced with a transparent and accountable global budgeting process that properly accounts for consumer needs, quality of [...]

CDF-NY Testimony: New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Education School Health, Mental Health, and Physical Education2019-02-28T15:50:07-05:00

  CDF-NY Testimony: New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Education School Health, Mental Health, and Physical Education

As the Assembly considers best practices to meet student’s health and mental health needs, it is vital that you ensure there is continued funding to help school districts improve school climate and safety. This week marks the 9th annual week of action against school pushout, a national effort carried out by the Dignity in Schools Campaign, a coalition of organizations dedicated to ending the school-to-prison pipeline.

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