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Testimony of the Children’s Defense Fund-New York at the Public Hearing on Access to Mental Health Services in the Juvenile Justice System2019-08-16T11:08:56-05:00

  Testimony of the Children’s Defense Fund-New York at the Public Hearing on Access to Mental Health Services in the Juvenile Justice System

Continuing to move New York’s juvenile justice system forward requires a continued focus on the unique needs of children, and what we know works best [...]

New York City Department of Education Student Safety Act Data: School Year 2017-20182019-08-16T11:11:09-05:00

  New York City Department of Education Student Safety Act Data: School Year 2017-2018

Every October 31st, the New York City Department of Education is required to release Student Safety Act data for the previous school year, making public the use of suspensions and classroom removals in New York City public schools. The latest numbers show that the use of suspensions grew 4.1% and classroom removals grew 11.4% during the 2017-2018 school year compared to the year before.

New York Police Department Student Safety Act Data: July 1, 2017 TO June 30, 20182018-11-05T11:26:18-05:00

  New York Police Department Student Safety Act Data: July 1, 2017 TO June 30, 2018

During the 2017-2018 school year there were 11,009 incidents in schools reported by the NYPD through the Student Safety Act, a local law established to bring transparency to the scope of police contact with students in NYC schools. Reported incidents are categorized as “interventions” and refer to arrests, summonses, child in crisis incidents, juvenile reports, PINS / warrants, and mitigated incidents.

CDF-NY Testimony: New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Education School Health, Mental Health, and Physical Education2019-02-28T15:50:07-05:00

  CDF-NY Testimony: New York State Assembly Standing Committee on Education School Health, Mental Health, and Physical Education

As the Assembly considers best practices to meet student’s health and mental health needs, it is vital that you ensure there is continued funding to help school districts improve school climate and safety. This week marks the 9th annual week of action against school pushout, a national effort carried out by the Dignity in Schools Campaign, a coalition of organizations dedicated to ending the school-to-prison pipeline.

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